Monday, April 21, 2008

(Sorta Kinda) Race Report

You don't have to be running a race to write a race report, right? I mean, I was there. I was at the race. And here I am reporting on what I did there... so this is my (volunteer) race report.

I got to the starting area at about 4:45 a.m., about fifteen minutes early. Thankfully, none of the roads were closed yet, which made for smooth sailing to the start. There was TONS of parking, even when I left. When I run this thing next year (yes, that's my plan), I'm parking at the start and I'll take the train back there when it's over -- much less hassle than finding parking and taking the train pre-race!

Met up with my volunteer "Captain"... not the brightest bulb in the bushel, from all appearances. After getting our t-shirt situation squared away (nice, yellow SLC Marathon "Crew" tech shirt! Much more than I expected!), me and one other guy were sent up to the Trax stop... to do what, I'm not sure. The other guy spent his time leaning on the fence not doing anything while I greeted runners as they got off the train and sent them the right direction. Then we were sent to the starting line to hold the official "Start" banner. So in all the news coverage, I'm the guy in the white hat and bright yellow shirt/safety vest standing next to all the runners as they take off. I only caught sight of two of the 10 or 15 runners that I knew were running this race. Once the mass of humanity that was the Marathon / Half Marathon start was by, I looked for my captain for further instructions and he was no where to be found... even his car was gone. Off to the next shift, I presume... so I hopped in my car and drove home. Navigating the road closures was tough, but manageable. And I got a really nice tech shirt, in which I ran today 5 miles.

I took a bunch of pictures with my cell phone, but for some reason my upload doohicky isn't working, so you'll have to use your imagination.


Tall Girl Running said...

I actually liked the yellow volunteer shirts better than the gray one I got for running! I'm afraid I didn't spot you at the race, but thanks for volunteering your help. I'm always so grateful for race volunteers... in particular the ones who hand me water at the aid stations. ;-) I'll be posting my race report soon if you're interested. And now, all sights are set on Ogden!

MissAllycat said...

You get a gold star for volunteering. I (heart) race volunteers! The races wouldn't be the same without you!

Jess said...

Sounds like it was a good time! Race volunteers are the best!