Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More ready

I think I know why I'm more ready for this upcoming marathon than I was for St George. Check out the difference over the last year. That's a one year graph (click it to make it bigger). The 6 months or so prior to SGM were sporadic, and only one week was over 30 miles (not including marathon week). The past months since January I've been far more consistent with my training and I have 4 (so far) weeks of over 30 miles, and 3 over 35. This week should be about 40 miles, give or take.

I'm ready.


MissAllycat said...

I dig charts. :)

Now I'm curious to see what my last year looks like. I'll have to dig out the log book...

Jess said...

I like the chart. That's a great way to make you're training really visual! You are totally ready and will rock your race! Good luck!

cropstar said...

That's a great chart? How did you do it? Excel?