Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I've decided I have several goals for the upcoming Ogden Marathon.

Goal 1 - the "well at least I didn't die" goal - beat my time from the St. George Marathon last fall (5:35:36). This one is almost guaranteed. Something would have to go very very wrong for me not to accomplish this one.

Goal 2 - the "I'm happy with this performance" goal - beat 5:00:00. I'm fairly certain (90%) that this will happen, based on my training runs, etc., to this point.

Goal 3 - the "Holy cow, I think I've got this marathon thing figured out!" goal - beat Kennedy's time from St George (4:50:51). If everything falls into place, I can get this one.

Goal 4 - the "I'm the fastest marathoner in my family" goal - beat my sister Ingrid's time from the 2002 Ogden Marathon (4:41:somethin'). If everything goes exactly right and I have a nice tailwind the whole way and someone picks me up and carries me for the last 4 miles, I may get lucky and accomplish this one.

17 days to go. But who's counting?

1 comment:

Tall Girl Running said...

I'm counting! ;-)

Your goals sound reasonable and perfectly attainable, even that last one. There's just as good a chance all will go in your favor as there is it won't, so treat yourself to a healthy taper and enjoy the reward come May 17th, no matter what happens!