Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday's PRs

PR, for you non-runners out there, is runner-speak for Personal Record -- also sometimes referred to as PB (Personal Best). My previous best 5k time (3.1 miles), as noted below in my running history post, was 31:52, set in March or April of 06. Today, in an unofficial attempt, I beat it (on the treadmill)... My time at 3.1 miles was 30:52. I've been saying lately that I want to enter a 5k just because I know I could PR and I'm curious to see how fast I could go. Well now I know! At least, in theory. I've still got to get out and do it in a real race.

The other PR was a 4-mile run, which ended at 39:35. I don't know what my previous record for that distance was, but I do know that I've never done it at a sub-10:00 mpm pace. It felt great! I wasn't even on the good treadmill!

As a side note, but somewhat-related, I've decided to up the speedwork a little, doing tempo runs on Tuesdays (hence today's PR), and doing intervals on Thursdays. Monday will be a recovery run and Saturday will be the distance run. Except for cutback weeks, when I'll just play it by ear, but not feel pressured to do any speedwork of any kind.

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